Human Value in the Disruption Era: Analysis of the Paulo Freire Education Philosophy and Genesis 1:26,27

The purpose of this paper is to look at human value in the context of Christian education in the disruption era. The approach is to synthesize between the philosophy of education of Paulo Freire and human value in Genesis 1: 26,27. Freire presents a liberating pedagogy. Liberation pedagogy emphasizes human value as a basis. Humanizing and liberating pedagogy is transformative and permanent. Problem Posing Method (PPM), is an educational method that is not oppressive and aims to raise awareness of reality. PPM is based on assumptions, humans as an ‘exist’ awareness and consciousness as consciousness in the world. In the perpective of Genesis 1:26,27, humans as free (in his will) and valuable beings in the presence of creator and other creatures. The synthesis of Freire’s human philosophy as the basis of his educational philosophy with Genesis 1: 26,27 is that Freire moves from the Bible as the basis of his human philosophy to fight for eroded human values. This era as an era of disruption, human values should not be eroded in the education process.

Human Value in the Disruption Era: Analysis of the Paulo Freire Education Philosophy and Genesis 1:26,27

The purpose of this paper is to look at human value in the context of Christian educatio in the disruption era. The approach is to synthesize between the philosophy of education of Paulo Freire and human value in Genesis 1: 26,27. Freire presents a liberating pedagogy. Liberation pedagogy emphasizes human value as a basis. Humanizing and liberating pedagogy is transformative and permanent. Problem Posing Method (PPM), is an educational method that is not oppressive and aims to raise awareness of reality. PPM is based on assumptions, humans as an ‘exist’ awareness and consciousness as consciousness in the world. In the perpective of Genesis 1:26,27, humans as free (in his will) and valuable beings in the presence of creator and other creatures. The synthesis of Freire’s human philosophy as the basis of his educational philosophy with Genesis 1: 26,27 is that Freire
moves from the Bible as the basis of his human philosophy to fight for eroded human values. This era as an era of disruption, human values should not be eroded in the education process.


Revolusi industri 4,0 membawa angin segar untuk semua orang karena semua kegiatan dan pekerjaan dapat dengan mudah dilakukan. Di sisi lain, revolusi industri 4,0 tidak hanya menyajikan tantangan menguasai dan menggunakan teknologi tingkat tinggi di berbagai bidang termasuk pendidikan. Tetapi juga tantangan dari “nilai manusia” di tengah kemajuan zaman. Hasil analisis teks Ulangan 6:5, dengan pendekatan campuran (diachronic dan synchronic) bahwa Ulangan 6:5 menyediakan dasar bagi sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, yang harus berlangsung secara humanis. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis adalah pendidikan moral. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis adalah partisipatif-dialogikal. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis adalah pendidikan berdasarkan kasih Allah. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis berfokus pada pengembangan rasionalitas, otonomi, pemberdayaan, kreativitas, kasih sayang dan kepedulian terhadap kemanusiaan.

Mengajarkan Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Matius 5:6-12


The background of the problem in this study is the occurrence of changes in the current generation due to mass media that change the mindsets, behavior, and habits of today’s youth, accompanied by education that tends to be based on knowledge or cognitive. All of this will result in humans not being human. Thus, character education offered by Jesus in a happy speech at the Sermon on the Mount is character-based education centered on the imitation of Christ, which is to follow in the footsteps or steps of Christ in the lives of Indonesian Christian students. This framework of thought or world view is what Christian Character education is. Thus, this research will use an asynchronous method that is to exegete what is said in the text of Matthew 5:6-12. Abstrak: Latar belakang dari masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah terjadinya perubahan pada generasi saat ini karena media massa yang mengubah pola pikir, perilaku, dan kebiasaan pemuda saat ini, disertai dengan pendidikan yang cenderung didasarkan pada pengetahuan atau kognitif. Semua ini akan meng-akibatkan manusia tidak manusia. Dengan demikian, pendidikan karakter yang diajarkan Yesus melalui khotbah ucapan bahagia di bukit merupakan pengajaran berbasis karakter yang berpusat pada meniru Kristus, yang mengikuti jejak atau langkah Kristus dalam kehidupan siswa Kristen Indonesia. Kerangka pemikiran atau pandangan dunia ini adalah apa yang pendidikan karakter Kristen. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode asynchronous yaitu untuk penafsir apa yang dikatakan dalam teks Matius 5:6-12.

Faith as Personal Responsibility

Genesis 22:12, 14. Then He said: “Do not kill the child and do nothing about him, for I know now that you fear God, and you are not afraid to give up your only child to me . ” And Abraham named the place: “the LORD provides”; because it was said to this day: “On the mount of the LORD, will be provided.”

Isaac’s question to his father was so that his father answered firmly. A firm answer will raise Isaac’s belief about “the God worshiped by his family”. The answer that his father will convey will lead and demand Isaac to give a personal response, namely to believe that God will provide sacrifice for himself as his father said. Abraham’s answer, too, will lead and demand Isaac to take responsibility for faith. This is personal.

Abraham’s answer to Isaac’s question and Isaac’s response to his father’s answer, in the context of regenerating faith (“decreasing” faith from parents to children) is that Abraham (then parents and adults of faith) is only responsible for giving answers as guidance. Children who will respond and take responsibility.

In God’s perspective, the statement, “… you fear God, and you are not afraid to give up your only child to Me”, in response to Abraham’s faith at God’s request. Also, Abraham’s act of bringing Isaac to Moriah to offer was Abraham’s personal responsibility for God who gave and fulfilled promises.

The term “… you fear God, and you don’t hesitate …” in God’s statement are actually elaborated in the actions of Abraham’s faith. In other words, faith is “the elaboration of love, fear of God, obedience, and discipline”. It is impossible for people who believe in God to have no fear of God, not to have love for God, disobey God, and be undisciplined.

Parents ‘and adults’ faith answers (referring to Abraham’s answers) must contain elements of stimulation (faith). Abraham’s answer, the God who will provide sacrifice for Himself, stimulated Isaac to dare to trust God that God would provide the sacrifice for the sacrifice for Himself. Because faith is an elaborate act of love, fear, obedience, discipline towards God.


Uang, pencarian makna dan eksistensi diri

Saya meragukan diri saya. Ketika aku hadir sebagai yg menyampaikan pesan (pesan ilahi dan pesan sosial, terutama pesan ilahi) saya diperhadapkan pada realitas eksistensi diri sebagai yang membawa pesan maka kehadiran diri saya ambigu. Antara menyampaikan pesan ilahi sebagai realitas eksistensi diri sebagai pembawa pesan ilahi. Tetapi di sisi lain, tidak juga dipungkiri realitas bahwa uang lebih menarik dan lebih kuat sehingga saya hadir semata-mata bukan hanya sebagai pembawa pesan tetapi juga “pencari”. Sering kali spiritualitas hanya dihubungkan dengan ibadah (meski juga ada bilang perbuatan namun sulit juga dijumpai), banyak kegiatan rohani namun jumlah kegiatan (kadang) tidak berbanding lurus dg sikap dlm realitas keseharian makw spiritualitas benar hanya dalqm tataran berbahasa dwn tidak dalam bertindak (kritik Yesus atas realitas keberagamaan yudaisme: sikap Yesus harus dilihat sebagai fenomen dari realitas nihilitas spiritual). Ini juga yg saya sebut terciptanya nihilisme spiritual dalam sentuhan (bandingkan sikap samaria dan ahli taurat). Kadang kita juga jumpai, dalam realitas kita (aku tdk katakqn mereka, ttpi kita) sebagai hamba Tuhan namun menafikan dan juga meniadiakan, juga menciptakqn nihilitas spiritual.